“Stuffed Ornitz” is a pillow that represents the oppression exacted on the Hollywood Ten by The House Un-American Activities Committee. Each of the Ten had prepared statements to read in their testimony. All but two were prevented from reading them. Whereas, “friendly” witnesses were allowed to give long drawn out statements and monologues. Samual Ornitz’ full statement is printed on the fringe that is coming out of the pillow’s seam. It is shredded like the careers of each of The Ten.
On the front of the pillow, the body of work is divided in to what was made prior to 1947 and after 1947. This illustrates the dramatic consequences of HUAC’s investigation and subsequent blacklisting.
The back of the pillow and piping utilizes denim to represent the Ornitz’s upbringing as the son of an immigrant Jewish merchant from the Ukraine. Each of the Ten came from diverse cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. The backing material used for subsequent pillows will draw attention to each of The Ten’s roots. The aim is to contextualize these men in the framework of their position in society prior to being successful in Hollywood. It was the effort of HUAC to vilify these men as wealthy elitists.